The Future Universe Wiki

Vysian are a humanoid species of alien, occupying the planet Vysia in sub-sector 3348h of the 88th sector of the known universe, the planet-common language is known as Vysial.


The word Vysian (to Vys, to be of V'yyzxa decent) comes from the Old Vysial word for the planet on which they reside, V’yyzxa (as transcribed from local glyphs).


Insufficient information exists concerning Vysian history prior to space travel.

Habitat and Population[]

According to the limited information that has been supplied (more information is in V’yyzxai, written in Old Vysian, which as of yet can not be properly translated) Vysian have been able to populate a large variety of habitats due to their tool use, and high adaptability, much like the Humans of Cradle. Vysian share their planet with a species, or ‘sub-species’, which share the same genus and have varying levels of intelligence. Notably Vysiki Sapiens, which are very similar to Vysi Sapiens, except for a couple key features. The current population of Vysia is 8 billion, including both species. Specifics are difficult to obtain.



Vysian are very similar to humans, with some differing features.


Vysian have larger, more almond-shaped eyes which have comparatively larger irises (taking up most of the eye, leaving almost no cornea visible), and pupils. The irises are a multitude of colors that blend together, individuals’ iris colors will tend toward a set of two to three colors. The Vysian eye has a much larger lens compared to a human which allows them to see further and with better clarity than a human. Vysian eyes, as well, can see a larger range of the electromagnetic spectrum, from 100nm (the beginning of Ultraviolet), to 10µm (the middle of Infrared, but notably not thermal infrared).


Vysian skin is very smooth and soft, and seems to have a slight gloss to it − compared to human skin which is, unless wet, mostly matte − this effect quickly disappears when they are not exposed to direct light. In addition, Vysian skin has extremely small pores, but contains a higher density per square centimeter. Vysian skin is incredibly sensitive, and allows them to easily sense alterations in air current, as well as temperature, humidity, and pH balance. Some of the more sensitive, or better trained Vysian have been known to be able to feel electromagnetic fields and electrical currents, as well as slight vibrations in the ground on which the walk. Because of this increased sensitivity, and the larger density of nerve endings in their skin, Vysian have a worse pain resistance than the average human. Vysian skin has a larger range of shades than human skin, filling the white to black range more fully, although darker shades are less common.


Vysian have longer ears than humans, though not by much. They extend slightly more upward, and come to a tapered end. Vysian have slightly larger inner and middle-ears as well, which give them superior balance. Their ears are capable of hearing a larger range of sounds than humans.


Vysian hair is almost identical to human hair, save that it is slightly stronger, comes in a far larger range of colors, and only grows on their head. The only other hair Vysian have is ‘peach fuzz’ that covers areas more likely to be exposed to sun such as the back, arms, and legs.


Vysian have nails that are deeper rooted in the finger than humans, and are lightly connected to the distal phalanges. The nails grow more slowly than human nails, are thicker, and naturally taper to a solid, and quite sharp, end. Unlike human nails, Vysian nails will not grow longer than one centimeter. Veins grow with the nails, but no nerves. So if a Vysian cuts their nails they will bleed, but will not hurt.


Vysian have 32 teeth like humans, but unlike humans they have mostly canines − 22 to be exact. They only have four molars, and two pre-molars. Before the premolars, but after the canines sit their incisors, of which they have four. Vysian are polyphydonts, their canines and incisors being replaced biannually, however their pre-molars and molars are only replaced once like with humans and other diphydonts.


Vysian have slightly longer, more thinly tipped tongues. Vysian tongues are covered with a very large number of taste buds, far more than a human, which allows them to taste more subtle flavours. Because of the increased density of nerve endings in the tongue they are also more sensitive to extreme hots and colds than humans are.


Vysian noses are small, but the bulbous olfactorius covers more area than in humans. This gives Vysian an enhanced sense of smell as compared to humans, but still pales in comparison to some other animals.

Life Cycle[]

The Vysian life cycle is very similar to humans. Vysian babies are born small, 2-3kg (4.5-6lbs) and 40-50cm (15.7-20in) at birth. Male Vysian have an average life-span of 326.8 years, females an average of 350.4. The longest lived Vysian, L’hilyl J. Ij’ives, lived to 420, and records exist of Vysian living to be 500 − but these have not been verified with a trustworthy source.

Race and Ethnicity[]

Vysian do not have as strong of an animosity toward others of their species who differ in skin tone. This has been attributed to the larger range of colors apparent in the race, as well as to them being a younger race than humans and thus more quickly indoctrinated into the generally apathetic views of a multi-phylum universe, the most likely reason (according to experts in the field) is that the world-wide clan-based hierarchy is spread strangely, with one clan (or family) populating areas in entirely different landmasses and environments.

Society and Culture[]

Vysian are social animals, like humans, and exhibit many of the same cultural phenomena.


Vysian are primarily carnivorous, but they are omnivorous and will supplement their diet with various fruits, vegetables, and tubers.


Vysian are naturally neither diurnal, nor nocturnal, or crepuscular. Because of this sleep patterns differ greatly between clans, and environments. Vysian require in between four and six hours of sleep per day for adults, and between six and nine hours per day for children.

Sexuality and Love[]

Vysian are predominately heterosexual, but homosexuality, and especially bisexuality, are more common than in humans. Unlike with humans, who prefer sex, Vysian generally enjoy foreplay more − possibly because of their sensitivity making sex more likely to be painful if not performed carefully. Vysian in general have a far lower divorce rate than humans which has been connected partially to their tendency toward extensive foreplay creating a stronger bond and giving more time for determining compatibility, as well as the species-wide obligation and respect of family. In Humans it is of course the opposite cause why waste time with all that drivel.

Gender Roles[]

Vysian have less pronounced gender roles than humans do, with both males and females taking care of children, cooking, and in earlier days, hunting and gathering were usually equally divided. As a whole, neither patriarchal nor matriarchal societies have dominated because of the clan and family system that is in place seemingly world-wide.

Society, Government and Politics[]

Vysian group themselves into families, extended families, and clans.


Families contain blood-kin and people who have connected* in, as well as ‘spouses’ who have given birth to children of a current family member.

  • Connection is similar to the dating that humans do, however between a couple meeting and deciding to connect, and the connection itself is a test of the couple by the opposite respective families to insure that the potential future family member has acceptable attributes and abilities.

Extended Family[]

Extended family contains neighboring families with whom frequent trade or communication takes place. Friends do not truly exist, or it would be better to say acquaintances, as someone whom a human would consider a friend would most likely be considered extended family by a Vysian.


Clans, or ‘countries’, are collections of families that are led by a single leader. This leader is chosen by competitions, sometimes ending in the death of the predecessor. Once a leader is chosen they will lead with counsel from their family until either the time of their death, or when an official challenge is announced and a successor has defeated the current leader.

Trade and Economics[]

Vysian trade happens frequently within family, and extended family, with less trade and more purchasing with currency with a clan, and almost exclusively purchasing of goods between clans.


War occurs between clans, usually when one invades another’s territory. In most cases if a clan can successfully invade another clan and claim territory of their own they are left alone, but not allowed to increase in size. Smaller wars sometimes occur between families within the same clan, but this is more rare.

Materials and Tools[]

Vysian have a diverse planet, with many materials from which they have produced goods. They are space-flight capable, but tend to live within more simple means − technology serving as a background to the rest of what they do, physical labor and handcrafting is very highly praised, and it has been observed that some clans continue to hunt and gather within their territory instead of farming. Large Vysian cities are few, and vehicles had not entered use until energy efficient and waste-less vehicles came from other planets.


Vysian have as wide a variety of languages as humans do, but the lingua franca, and language used to represent the planet, is Vysian.

Spirituality and Religion[]

Religion varies between clans, and each clan has its own faerytales and myths. Much of the spirituality and worship is family-centric.

Art, Music and Literature[]

Art, music and literature are all highly praised and well spread on Vysia. The literacy rate of Vysian is almost 100% worldwide, and every clan has its own kind of art, and body-arts such as martial arts, dancing, and acrobatics are very highly lauded. Because of Vysian’s advanced senses music, tactile paintings, and something called water-art are quite popular.


Water-art is an interactive Vysian art form in which the listeners will sit in a large pool of water and a player or musician will tap and swish the water rhythmically from different locations around the pool. In homes this is sometimes done by a machine placed on the side of a personal pool.
